Friday 17 November 2017

In Solidarity with Attica - Flood Relief for Victims of Syriza's Incompetence

While the dregs of the Greek government (Dorou & her lackey, Tsipras) jokingly brush off the natural disaster in Attica, Golden Dawn stands in support of those affected. There isn't an inch of Greece our supporters, party members, MPs and leaders won't venture into, and instead will stand face to face with fellow Hellenes who are in need of assistance. Where ever there is struggle, there is Golden Dawn.

In the region of Mandra, our supporters assisted locals directly, including providing crucial food & supplies, assisting with clean ups, providing assistance to the elderly, and helping locals get back on their feet.

Golden Dawn's support was also covered by RT (2.35), as locals vent their frustration at the Establishment, while only Golden Dawn remains to assist on the ground, rather than behind their Ivory Towers in the gatted wealthy communities of Northern Athens.

In Nea Peramos, our supporters came to help the locals as well as small family businesses. More essential supplies and food where shared with affected locals. Our members do not just make statements for the papers, we listen directly to those we represent, and echo their concerns 10 fold in the controlled Parliament.

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