Sunday 20 May 2018

Popular rage against Kemal Ataturk's stooge, mayor Yiannis Boutari is chased by the people in Thessalonica

Yiannis Boutaris: @ 0:25 ''I don't give a shit if he [Kemal] killed Greeks or not''

He is the foremost Hellenic stooge for Turk Genocidal leader, Kemal Ataturk.  The unacceptable mayor of Thessalonica has tarnished today's anniversary of the memory of the victims of Pontian Hellenism who were genocided by Kemal Ataturk, since he allowed the same day to be "gay pride day'' in the city.

Boutaris, when he was seen in the White Tower area in the afternoon, where he allegedly participated in the Memorial events for the 353,000 victims, was assaulted by the crowd and fled from the people.

1 comment:

  1. Boutaris,you left wing traitor faggot.You deserve everything you got.AND MORE!


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