Annual Conference

Over 150 Golden Dawn supporters celebrated our National Holiday on the 28th of October, 2016, in Sydney Australia.

The evening was attended by members and their families, as well as the heads of our interstate branches, and other fellow Nationalists based in Australia.

In memory of OXI Day, all proceeds from the event went to our fund raising efforts to support the Golden Dawn in Greece, specifically with food appeals to help those who will be suffering this coming Christmas. With the amount of money raised through tickets & our auction, we will literally have tonnes of food to share with Greeks who have been hit hardest by the economic crisis.

Greece has one of the worst rates of suicide in Europe since the austerity measures took place (thanks to our treacherous government), and we look to provide hope to the many thousands of people who are looking towards a way out.

Knowing that someone across the other side of the globe, who you've never even met in your life, may be willing to sacrifice their time and efforts to stand in solidarity with you as a Hellene, is certainly an inspiration that can change spirits. If we can save just 1 life, we know our efforts will be worth it.

This annual conference is only the first of many to come, and all Golden Dawn members are welcome to join us for future events.

The Event

Our first National event commenced with the singing of our National anthem, with our 4 State Representatives.

First on stage, was the head of New South Wales, Elias Vamiakis. Elia thanked all our guests for attending our event in his city of Sydney, and called our fallen brothers names, Manoli Kapelonis & Giorgos Fountoulis. The crowd yelled parrom (present) during our role call of the dead.

Our second representative to be introduced was Nikolaos Mitsakis, state representative for Tasmania. Nikos reminded the crowd that where ever Greeks may reside, Nationalism will follow. Thousands of miles away, on the other side of the globe, from a tiny community of just 5,000, the Tasmanian Greeks stand with Golden Dawn.

From the city of Adelaide, Christos Cakouros, representing his state of South Australia, spoke on the need for remembrance & unity among Hellenes. Greeks destroy themselves when fighting with our own brothers, but when united, we defeat all odds, and such is why we remember the sacrifices made on OXI Day.

Lastly, we had Christina Tsimtsirids, our state representative for Victoria. Christina spoke of her home town Melbourne, which after Athens and Thessaloniki, boasts the third largest Greek speaking community in the world. Despite the comforts of life in what is often considered the world's most livable city, Greeks, sometimes many generation removed from their homeland, still have their hearts bleed for Hellas.

Nationalists then stood in prayer with our guest, Father Raphael, a Greek priest who gave blessings on behalf of our Orthodox faith. The open prayer was also observed by our Serbian Chetnik & Russian Cossack guests. 

The Event then continued with the introduction of our fellow Nationalists outside the Greek community, starting first with the head of the Russian Cossack Association of Australia, Simeon Boikov. Simeon took to the stage, and spoke of the historical alliance between the Russians & Greeks. Simeon worked up the crowd while reciting a famous saying in our language (Simeon learnt a little Greek while mingling with our members prior to the official event) 'Russia, Serbia, Hellas, together in solidarity!', the audience chanted loudly 3 times with the Coassacks.

Simeon recognised Greek Nationalist efforts during the wars in Yugoslavia & Ukraine, who fought and supported our Orthodox brothers throughout the ages, despite our corrupt government's (present) alliance with NATO. The Russian Cossacks of Australia presented Golden Dawn with the resistance flag of Novo-Russia, to which we shared a Greek flag with the Russians, a flag from our head office in Greece, which had survived many protests against the globalist filth (and their enablers) on the Streets of Athens.

Simeon was also awarded with a plaque to recognise our official friendship and alliance with Russian nationalists, and a promise that Golden Dawn holds true to its word that should (or when) we take power, to align the Greek state against the Zionists of Washington, and towards our comrades in Moscow. 

For the local movement, special guest and speaker Dr. Jim Saleam took to the stage on behalf of Australian Nationalists, representing the Australia First Party. Dr. Saleam was given a lengthy prelude by Golden Dawn Australia, where representatives spoke of the importance for Greeks to love Australia as much as we love Greece, and a pledge of respect and commitment by Golden Dawn supporters to the local nationalist struggle in our new home of Australia. 

The Australia First is the only registered party in Australia that shares a common Nationalist ideology with Golden Dawn. Jim's message was received warmly by the crowd when he spoke of Australia First's activism in defense of Golden Dawn's illegal imprisonment back in 2014, even at the expense of their own party members safety. This act of bravery was reciprocated by Golden Dawn, who recognised the Australian Nationalist spirit which stands in solidarity with the struggle of Hellenes. It is for this reason we are proud to be an associate of the United Nationalists of Australia, and welcome Australia First's association to the European Alliance for Peace of Freedom, of which Golden Dawn is also a key member. 

Together, Australians, be they Hellenes or Anglo-Celts, stand in solidarity against globalism & marxism, and in defense of our common European heritage. Dr Saleam was awarded a plaque to recognise our friendship, as well as their efforts in defending Golden Dawn's honor. 

Our opening panel soon after rejoined the stage, and took the opportunity to speak freely with our special guests, and to thank them personally for their solidarity.

This certainly wouldn't be a Greek event without the festivities, and soon after the formalities, the Greeks took to the dance floor, while our band & live singer performed traditional songs for our folk.

The crowd then returned to their seats, as the camera crew organised a brief screening of Golden Dawn's charitable community work, providing food, medical support and assistance to Greeks hit by the deterioration and exploitation of our fatherland. The video, images and clips showed how unlike other political parties, Golden Dawn is about action, not just words. Which other political party gave their own personal parliamentary salaries to support the poor and disenfranchised? Only the Nationalists put their people first. 

The images and clips also displayed the assistance the Greek diaspora provided to Golden Dawn, namely from New York, Montreal & Australia, as well as other Greeks from around the world who have helped Golden Dawn. 

Golden Dawn party members in Greece then streamed in on the big screen to personally address Greek Nationalists in Australia.

General Secretary of Golden Dawn Nikos Michaloliakos thanked all Greeks in Australia for their efforts in supporting Golden Dawn, and spoke of the true Nationalist meaning of Oxi Day, and why it's important to Greeks. The Nationalist struggle did not end on the 28th of October, as we still have more enemies to deny our homeland, and more challenges to overcome as a people. 

Next, Alexandros Gerontas, who survived bullets after being shot at by para-state thugs, inspired hope and the need for resilient struggle to overcome our challenges as Nationalists. While warmly reminding everyone of the passing of our brothers Manos & Giorgos, Alexandros was thankful to be here with us tonight, and his message was that when we fight together, we always prevail.

Lastly, Elias Kasidiaris addressed the crowd in how Golden Dawn was unlike other parties, such as PASOK and New Democracy. We are not rootless opportunists, and in contrast to the establishment, we are willing to sacrifice even our lives for our devotion to Hellenic Nationalism. This is something the other parties don't understand, as they live as devotees to their perspective parties only for material gain, while we live not for a party or politics, but for the future of the Greek people & Hellenism itself. 

After the inspiring talks from our party leaders, representatives announced the gifts donated by the party and our members to help support the Nationalist effort. Among the gifts where 2 large and professionally framed flags from Greece, signed books from Kasidiaris & Michaloliakos, 'his' & 'hers' gift baskets with designer goods, brand name kitchen sets, rare ancient Greek coins, 24 carat gold plates, gift cards, and other fine food & wine hampers, all donated by our members and sponsors.

To conclude the night, our state representatives where once again honored by our guests, this time with fine Russian beverages, before cutting the cake & wishing our guests & their families a safe journey home.

While the event provided a great deal of revenue that will go directly to sharing with our fellow countryman in Greece over the festive season, the team building & brotherhood also generated a great deal of enthusiasm to further strengthen our efforts in Australia. 

Given the great success of the night, we promised to hold another similar event in the very near future. 

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